Friday, July 1, 2011

Friday July 1, 2011

Workout: 3.18 miles running with the dog
Weight: 125.8

Started running again last weekend.  I went and got my gait analyzed and a good pair of running shoes - they are so cushy I feel like I'm walking on clouds :)  We were on our annual EJ summer regional trip last weekend, so I broke them in with a 3.5 mile run with Dave.  After not really running for 3 1/2 months, it was incredibly difficult, but I got through - with many walking breaks.

I ran my normal 3 mile route on Monday and again had to stop a lot to walk.  I ran without music so I could focus on my breathing, but I was laboring for most of it and pretty miserable.  I ran the same route this morning with the dog.  I figure as long as I suck and have to relearn how to run and regain some endurance, I might as well train him to run with me, too.  It was pretty humid - cool, but humid - this morning and he is really shaggy right now, so I took it easy and really let him stop quite a bit.  We ran well - I ran better than I did on Monday - but we did stop a lot.  We also walked the entire length of the second half of the running path (probably 1/4 mile) - I figured he'd be stopping a lot to sniff anyway, so it would probably work better if I let him walk and sniff that whole section.  He was also pretty hot and tired by then, so it gave him a bit of a break.  The last mile+ was tough for him - he was dragging behind me and clearly not amused by the situation.  Poor guy, I'm sure he was hot.

Also ran 4 miles on the treadmill on Wednesday.  It sucked.  I tried running at 6.0 and was only able to kind of do that for a mile, so I ran mostly at 5.5.  I can't believe that I used to run at a 2 % incline at 6.3.  Those days are long gone right now.

But, I'm glad to be back at it.  I feel good afterward.  So glad I got the new shoes.

Still haven't complete W3D2 of the pushups, but closer than ever before - have eked out 21 consecutive on that last set.  Need to work on those today again.  

Other than that I think I'm going to take it kind of easy this summer and try to run 3 days/week and do whatever else I feel like or can fit in until school starts in the fall.  I'm finding it rather difficult to get up before 6/6:30 because we're going to bed later because the girls are up later.  But I do hope I'm running better by the fall.

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