Saturday, July 9, 2011

Saturday July 9, 2011

Workout: 6 miles on the treadmill
pace: 6.0/10:00

I have been sucking it up with working out this week.  I'm so emotionally drained right now, I can hardly function.  My house is a disaster and I just walk right by and leave it.  My laundry is behind and I just leave it in the baskets.  I haven't gotten up to workout at all this week.  I haven't gotten out of bed before 7am any day except Tuesday, when I ran three miles in the morning.  I have chaos going on around me and all i want to do is sit and read - I don't really even have anything compelling to read.  I just want to shut life out right now.

The girls have been emotionally draining.  Fighting constantly.  Whining about this thing and that thing not being fair.  I feel like my head is cloudy most of the time.

Anyway, Dave brought the girls to the office this afternoon... I took a step outside and realized that it was way to hot to run, so I jumped on the treadmill.  Knocked out 6 miles, which actually went by very quickly.  I feel good.  Feel better than I have.  Glad to be back to running.

1 comment:

Amy said...

I was talking with some moms tonight (all with kids of different ages) and they all feel like you do. And I feel that way too. I had a really bad three days with the kids that I about lost is yesterday afternoon and almost walked out of the backyard and down the street (not sure where I ended up). I also have not run in over two weeks...partialy because I was sick of getting sick and because I needed a break. I hope to start back up again on Monday. Hang in there! Prayers from Oregon.