Monday, April 12, 2010

Monday, April 12, 2010

Workout: supposed to be 6 miles, was actually 60:00 on the eliptical
Weight: 125.0

After the calf situation from last week, I've decided to take a little over a week off of running. I tried taping my calf up on Friday and running very, very slowly on the treadmill, but I could still feel some pain. I'm hoping that if I rest it sufficiently I'll still have a chance at running in the race. I'm going to take this week off and try again next Monday, if I haven't shot myself by then;)

One hour on the eliptical. I hate the eliptical. Hate it. I find it so intensely boring and I hate it. BUT. It is probably the best workout for me right now - I don't get my heart rate up high enough on the bike and I don't think I could do a whole hour on the stairmill without passing out. So eliptical it is - UGH.

Heart rate was up in the 140's - 150's for most of the workout. Last week I checked my resting heart rate one morning before I got out of bed and it was 63, so that makes me happy (I tried a morning before that and it was 77 - what?) I hope that I can keep my fitness level up so when I start running again its not like starting over - I mean I'm going to have to get out and do 6 miles on Monday - after essentially having taken a 3-4 week break.

Last week I sat down and made some decisions regarding my diet/health. I've been feeling a little out of control with my eating/weight/life lately. Nothing extreme, but not incredibly self-controlled. I needed to add some self-discipline back into my world... everywhere. So I'm trying to do the following:
* Plant First (have to get back to this)

* Veggies for snacks - not snacks for snacks
* Eat a real dinner, not hodge podge, scrounging after the girls go to bed
* Water or tea or wine after dinner - no snacking
* When I eat, just eat... don't multi-task & eat
* No eating standing up or driving in a car
* Chew each bite 20 times
* Plan meals thoughtfully, do not forage for food. Even for lunch - have the entire meal made and plated before eating: do not eat one thing, go back to the kitchen for the next thing, etc. etc.

I think I've successfully gained 3 pounds that have stuck:) I would still like to get below 120 by the summer regional in June. Its definitely doable, but is it important enough to me? 125 is easy and good - I just have to decide that I want 120 badly enough and I haven't come to any conclusions yet.

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