Saturday, April 24, 2010

Saturday April 24, 2010

Workout: 12 miles
time: 2:18:35
pace: 11:35
weight: 125.2

I think that this was quite possibly the most miserable 2 hours of my life:) Actually probably the last hour was the worst. Wait... that 9 1/2 mile run I did a couple of weeks ago was probably worse. At any rate, this was horrible and from mile 7 to the end I had to coax myself to keep going and not turn to go home. I just wanted to go home and never run that far ever again. I took a pretty long walk break around mile 8 1/2 (long being about 1/4 mile) and gave myself a pep talk about completing the run. I wasn't very convincing:)

Not sure why it was so incredibly miserable... early in the morning, tired legs, my ipod died at mile 1 1/2, dreary weather, wind, a long hiccup in my training over the last month. All of those thing contribute for sure. As I told Cornbread when I got home - never in a million years would I have thought that a week of skiing would hinder my training so much. I thought it would be an awesome week of hard cross training. As it turns out, it was a bad thing.

I stopped at Dunkin Donuts to go to the bathroom and to eat my GU. It was probably around mile 8. That took some time. I think I was running at normal pace or a little faster... my bathroom stop and my walking breaks really increased my per mile pace - not sure by how much.

And my ipod stopping at mile 1 1/2? Yeah, that sucked HUGE. 10 1/2 miles without music = misery.

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