Monday, April 5, 2010

Monday, April 5, 2010

Workout: 5 1/2 miles
Weight: 125.2

Had a very difficult run at the gym today. I have felt great all weekend with no unusual pains or abdominal/GI issues from my run on Saturday. I haven't been feeling nauseous at all, however, I have been feeling like I'm (warning: TMI) burping a lot and burping up my food a lot. So I don't know what that is about.

Anyway, ran at the gym this morning and it was horrible. I had to take several breaks off of the treadmill because I felt like I was going to burp up my water. My heart rate was higher than it was prior to Colorado - 174-180 throughout. I was sweating an unusual amount as well. I am normally a very sweaty exerciser - sometimes I wonder if I'm the only one in the gym who is sweating - but today was unusual. I was sweating at 3 miles the way I was sweating at the end of my 9 mile treadmill run a few weeks ago. I got finished and I could have wrung out my shirt AND my shorts. Sweat was dripping off of my elbows. I know I'm a sweat-er, but at this short of a distance, I feel like that was excessive - especially since I didn't sweat that much at 5 miles before leaving on vacation.

So I don't know if I'm still fighting off a virus, if I've got a bit more going on than a virus (acid reflux possibly?) or if taking the better part of 3 weeks off of running has made this big of a difference. I feel like I'm starting from square one right now - fighting my way through every quarter of a mile to stay with it. I'm incredibly frustrated right now - I just want to feel good and to stop struggling through this.

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