Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Wednesday April 21, 2010

Workout - plan: 6.0 miles
Actual - 6.5 miles
Time: 1:09:44
Pace: 10:39
Weight: 125.8

Almost 2 minutes slower than Monday's run. Not sure if that is the difference between running in the afternoon and running first thing in the morning with no fuel, or if it has to do with sore quads from Monday or what. Not worried about it - I completed it and right now that is what matters.

It felt rough today. And it did on Monday, too. There was not much time during either run where I didn't feel like I was laboring and really struggling to continue. As I was telling Cornbread this morning - its pretty difficult to jump right in to 6.5 miles after essentially taking 4 weeks off of training and almost 2 full weeks off of running entirely. It would be one thing to start back with 3 miles, but 6.5? That used to be my long run:) But I'm going to persevere and push through it as long as I don't get injured.

I have decided, though, that there is not a flat stretch of land within a 2 miles radius of our house. I am either short-stepping down a hill or digging in to run up a hill. And if it isn't as drastic as an actual hill (of which there are many) then it is a long incline. It feels like I never get a reprieve. Cornbread says running in Orland is much different - its much flatter. I'm hoping - and I kind of remember - Indy is flat.

I reversed my route this morning for two reasons - 1) I did not want to run on 151st for the long stretch before it got light outside; 2) the bigger hills were in the beginning of the run this morning instead of at the end. Not sure which way I like it. It was also nice to have a drinking fountain stop only 1.5 miles from the end instead of 3 miles, but when I go the direction I did on Monday, then by the time I get to the pond I feel like I'm almost done... ultimately I think I like that direction better, but it worked nicely this morning.

Again, no calf pain this morning and none yesterday. My right quad is still pretty sore so I've been using a lot of icy/hot on it. Will continue that today and will probably ice it as well. Ugh - its so frustrating... I want to be back to the beginning of March when I was feeling good and running strong!

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