Saturday, April 3, 2010

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Workout: Long Run - 9 miles on schedule, actual: 9 1/2
Weight: 126.4

Aahhg - my weight is fluctuating like mad. On thursday I weighed 122.0. Friday - 125.2, today - 126.4. Whatever. I'm so used to the fluctuations that it doesn't bother me anymore. There is simply no way that I can gain that much in such a short time without it being water retention.

Ran outside today. Figured I'd be running in the rain, but it cleared up before I left. It was the hardest, worst run I have ever done. The wind was gusting 20-30 mph to the East my whole way home... and much of the way home was hills. I felt incredibly beat up - physically and mentally - by the end. There were times when I didn't know if I was actually moving forward because I was being blown back so hard. And the times that I was running N or S I felt like I was being pushed over. It was ridiculously hard and by the time I got past Alison (a street), any time I ran West I just gave up and walked. Even walking was difficult against the wind.

Cornbread said it was windy when he ran this morning, too. His winds were blowing N / S, so he did a mainly E/W route. I had no idea it was windy when I went out - the wind direction changed with the rain so they were blowing to the East. My route is also mainly E / W - East on the way out and West on the way back. I told him that either they weren't blowing as hard or his additional 10 inches in height and 65 lbs helped him. This was the first time I have questioned whether or not I could do this race.

I feel good now, though.

Pain difference today vs. previous long runs: My calves hurt in a different way than they did before skiing. They started hurthing like this in CO. My left calf was hurting a lot while I was running. In addition, my left top of my foot was hurting terribly, too. When I went to the podiatrist in December for my tendonitis in that ankle, he also noted that the bone on top of my foot, where the foot meets the shin/ankle (best way I can describe it... I'm talking about the top of the foot bone) has chipped off and is hanging out there. He asked if it bothered me and at the time it did from time to time, but nothing to bad. It hurt really badly today while I was running. So thats great.

I ate some caffeine jelly beans around mile 7. Not sure if they helped or not because I was running against the wind. I'm sure they did. I would like to try some other stuff - I feel like those would be pretty cumbersome to eat WHILE running (I ate them while I was walking against the wind). There were about 20 in the package, which ended up taking too long to eat. Perhaps I need to try some Gu. I will go on a mission this week to find something.

Did not take my water bottle/fanny pack because Cornbread said the drinking fountain at the park at wolf/151st was working. I assumed the fountain at Kingston Hills would also be working, but apparently Homer Glen hasn't turned theirs on yet. So I only got a drink halfway through. Not a great situation either.

Feeling good so far tonight. Hoping that my quads and calves are killing me tomorrow. Definitely ready for Easter Brunch!

1 comment:

Amy said...

Once I start doing 6-8 miles I drink Propel Fitness Water or Gatorade and put it in a fanny pack. Or else detour my route to home so I can get some. Never tried jelly beans. They gave us Gummy Bears in the Portland Marathon. I LOVED having fresh oranges when I ran 5/3...that was the best. I did use Gu when I trained for 5/3. I got a chocolate flavor. I found I liked energy bars or protein bars better. Not sure what your half marathon will be like, but they often give you all kinds of stuff--bananas, oranges. We even got a shot of beer.