Monday, April 19, 2010

Monday April 19, 2010

Planned Workout: 6 miles
Actual: 6.548 miles
Time: 1:07:56
Pace: 10:22
Weight: 127.2

First time running since I decided to rest my calf. I was a bit nervous - not because I didn't think I could do 6 miles after so long, but because I worried that even though I have not had calf pain in a week I would immediately feel pain once I started to run. I didn't and I'm so happy! Problem is, though, that I've lost a bit of fitness in the meantime and I don't have a whole lot of time to build it back up before the race. I've missed to long runs and 2 training runs since resting - a total of 33 miles. I've also lost a bit of mental toughness, too, since my last long run was so horrible. But I made it and thats what counts.

I did take 2 or 3 short walking breaks on the way back - more due to mental lapse than anything else. It is very, very hilly around here and my route is incredibly hilly - not inclines... HILLS. So mentally I have to dig deep to get to the top of the hills on the way home and I just wasn't fully there today. I'll get there.

I opted to run this afternoon instead of this morning because it was 33 degrees this morning and 54 degrees and sunny this afternoon. I'm going to do my best to stay off of the treadmill from now on. I want to train on the hills and in the wind (again with the wind today, but not nearly as bad).

Less than 3 weeks until the race. My goal is to finish it and to run the entire thing, with the exception of water stops. I am going to find a fall half marathon and really train for that one - like do all of the speed work and interval work along with the mileage. I'm hoping that some of my friends from high school will join me, but not sure how that will turn out - would be a blast to get together for something like that so we'll see.

I'm just so happy that my calf doesn't hurt at all. I'm going to ice it this afternoon as a precaution.

And my weight... not sure what to think or do about that. I haven't been eating poorly or overeating at all. I feel like I'm one of those people that looks at food and gains 2 lbs. I'm struggling with caring about it and being happy with who I am... but I wonder: at what point do I start to worry about it then? I'm hitting the water hard today and hopefully it will decrease slightly tomorrow morning. I also know that not being able to run has a huge affect on how I feel about myself and my body. I feel so strong and confident when I'm running and feel much more insecure when I'm not able to run. So hopefully all of this will come together now that I can run again.

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