Friday, January 7, 2011

Friday, January 7, 2011

Workout: p90x YogaX
Time: 1:30
Weight: 129.8

Was reluctant to get up at 5:15 again this morning, but forced myself out of bed.  The biggest motivator to getting out of bed for me sometimes is to open the garage door early enough that the girls won't wake up from it.  Dumb, yes, but true nonetheless.

I did the whole video this time.  I've been stopping at 1:15 when they start the yoga bellyX because I've been doing the abripper on my running days and didn't think I should work my core again.  But I watched the bellyx part the other day and it wasn't too much, so I added it in today.  I'm going to go out on a limb and say it is better than abripper.  It was a very short amount, but powerful.  Aside from Tony the DB, I'm really diggin the yoga video.

Weight was up 1 1/2 pounds this morning.  Thank you, 1 slice of pizza.  Going to pound the water today to try to get rid of the extra water retention.  The filter on our humidifier needs to be changed as well... the house is drier and I have noticed (for the last 3 years) that when that is true, I retain more water.  I hate water retention.

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