Monday, January 10, 2011

Monday January 10, 2011

Workout: 4 miles 2% incline
              p90x Abripper
Time: 38:55
Pace: 9:45 (average)
Weight: 131.0

I'm getting really discouraged with running.  I suck.  And bad.  I just feel miserable the entire time and I'm not sure why.  I need to get outside later this week and see if that makes a difference, because as of now, I'm ready to bow out of the race and try to regain my enjoyment.  I don't want to feel this miserable and discouraged for the next 3 months.

Maybe I need to really consider doing the Jeff Galloway method of walking and running, but I don't want to be staring at my watch the entire time I'm running either.  Not sure what to do.  

Abripper was better this morning.  I hate how much it hurts my hip flexors.  He says something about that, so they must be part of your core.  It hurts.  

I did okay with calories over the weekend - at least yesterday I did.  I didn't count calories after lunch on Saturday and used Saturday night as a splurge meal.  We went to the Karners and Jane made soup, so I didn't eat a ton of calories for dinner... but then I had a piece of chocolate cake, 2 glasses of wine and some Bailey's.  So there you go - my splurge was on booze.  And I hardly drank any water yesterday so I am again retaining water, because I certainly did not splurge enough to gain 3 lbs over the weekend.  Hammering the water today - already at 64oz for the day and its 9am.


Anonymous said...

you may be discouraged -- i understand the ups and downs, but from an outsider looking in, you are an inspiration, and have made phenomenal progress overall. you can run 7 miles in 9:30's!! That is incredible. Look back from 2 years ago, and I hope you will feel some sense of accomplishment -- the weight loss, the willness to keep at it, the speed, the endurance you have gained.. the ups and down are natural, I believe, but really take a moment to pat your self on the back! You are awesome!

i am not said...

wow, anonymous! I don't know who you are, but this is such a lovely, wonderful comment - thank you!