Monday, January 31, 2011

Monday January 31, 2011

Workout: 5.078 miles on the treadmille
Time: 50:00
Pace: 9:50 (average)
incline: 2%
Weight: 125.4

This was a pretty sketchy situation.  I still have a chest cold and can almost always feel a catch in my chest when I'm breathing and am still coughing a lot trying to expel whatever is in there.  I don't want to fall too far behind on my training and since I was off all of last week except Monday, I wanted to try to run today. I knew it would sketchy and I knew I'd likely have to jump off a million times to cough up a lung.

The first part was much better than I anticipated.  I was really mentally gutting through it - I wanted to stop many times, but told myself I had to wait until after 7 songs... at that point I'd be more than halfway done & I could turn on the fan.  Somehow I found myself off at 20:00 - not intentionally, I think my body just had had enough and needed to cough.  At that point I was little concerned because not only did I cough and hack and cough, but I couldn't catch my breath.  My lungs were aching and I felt a little like how I imagine someone with asthma feels.

I got through the 7th song and allowed myself a full minute to catch my breath, which was terribly difficult.  At that point I gave myself permission to hop off after every song to try to catch my breath a little bit.  It was tough.  It is 3 hours later and I can still feel it in my lungs.  

I really wanted to quit at around 3 miles and call it good, but I just couldn't mentally do it.  

Other than my lungs, I felt great...  hoping that I am feeling better than this by Wednesday.

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