Friday, August 8, 2008

Goal: 115 by October 10

Workout: Weights
Weight: 126.0

Was very excited to see my weight this morning. Apparently I didn't do too much damage last weekend on vacation OR I was much lower than I knew about due to water retention before we went. I'm thinking that it may not be possible to really focus on losing until after Labor Day when the special events of summer weekends seem to stop.

Lifted this morning. Didn't want to, but forced myself to go down there anyway so I could have the activity points to take care of the extra fruit I might eat during the day.

Butterfly: 3x13 @ #5
Reverse Cybex Row: 3x13 @ #7
Shoulder Press: 3x14 @ #1
Tricep Press down: 3x12 @ #5
BB Curls: 3x14 @ 22lbs
Planks: 1 @ 1:00
Squats: 200
Time: 36:40