Saturday, August 23, 2008

Goal: 115 by October 10

Workout: running - 35:30
Weight: 128

Weight was 126.6 yesterday, so I'm still hovering around that. As of Monday, I'm doing WW hardcore. I have been giving myself a bit of a break for the last two weeks, but its time to get down to business and try to hit my goal. I would love to see my high days be around 125 instead of 128!

Running was extremely tough this morning. It was humid out and it hasn't been humid like this for a month. I have such a hard time running in the humidity. I get such a huge mental block and I just can't get past it. I also tried a new route this morning and I think it messed up my rhythm right away. And I was having earphone issues - I bought new ones and they wouldn't stay in my left ear, so I had to constantly put it back in place = expending more energy or stopping. All in all it was a really, really sucky run.

I tried, though.