Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Goal: 115 by October 10

Workout: running - 36:00
Weight: 128.2

running was pretty good this morning. I've been running more and walking less with each workout. I didn't even walk for a whole song this morning - usually I do walk for a whole song toward the end. I'm happy to see remarkable improvements. I'm going to go back a month and see how I was doing at that time.

My weight was 126.6 yesterday morning, not sure why it was up this morning. I'm still taking it kind of easy this week in terms of counting points, but I'm getting my water in for sure. I felt so crappy by the end of the weekend from lack of water.

I have been sleeping like crap for the last few nights - not sure if its because I missed some workouts last week or if its because I'm going to sleep later than usual because of the olympics. Regardless, I want to sleep through the whole night and not wake up earlier than the alarm. Two nights ago I woke up in the middle of the night and was certain that I smelled poop. At the time I didn't know if Brady had had a major accident all over our bedroom carpet - because it was that strong - or if Georgia had a dirty diaper in her sleep (because she's been potty training and I figured she waited to go until bed and somehow it got spread all over her crib). The smell was so clear and distinct, I was shocked to find nothing when I woke up in the morning. This morning I woke up around 4 and went back to sleep, woke up before the alarm at 5:45 and got up. I know I've been pretty restless throughout the night, too - I can kind of recall tossing and turning all night. Not sure what is going on, but I'm sick of it.