Monday, August 11, 2008

Goal: 115 by October 10

Workout: Running - 35:00
Weight: 129.0

Good run this morning, although it started out horrible. It was kind of cold out - in the 50's - and my lungs were burning a little bit. I think I started out too fast, too, since I had so much confidence from my run on Saturday. So halfway through the first song I wanted to stop to catch my breath - that is also the point where there are two hills back to back. Its always tough right there. But I motored through it and got through my mental block.

I ran really far today before stopping for a significant walking break (I walk across streets - about 15 seconds probably). I got halfway down Mustang before I stopped to walk. The song that came on at that point was C&C Music Factory, so I actually only walked for about a minute to 90 seconds and I started the song over and ran all the way to Doug's house (started running before turning off of Mustang). Walked from Doug's to Mallard/Mallard (about 2:30) and then ran home.

Felt good for most of the time. The end is actually better than the beginning because it isn't quite so hilly and I can get into a better rhythm.

Again, I can see measurable improvement. I am definitely getting better at this and it feels good!