Monday, January 28, 2008


Beginning Date: January 7, 2008
Ending Date: March 30, 2008
Total miles: 10.23 miles
Total squats: 1600
Weight: 132.6
Goal: 115

Workout: Chest/Shoulders/Triceps - Push

Chest Press: 3x15 @ #4
Butterfly: 3x15@ #3
Military Press: 3x8 @ #1
Reverse Fly: 3x10 @ #2
Press Down: 3x12 @ #3
Kickback on low pulley: 3x6 @ #1 - nearly impossible to even move - need new exercise

I opted to sleep in this morning since I went to bed pretty late last night (too busy finishing my new scarf). I worked out this afternoon instead. Have to say that I'm not eager to give up any of my alone time in the afternoon, but it was nice to sleep in this morning. I have to use this option more often if I'm extra tired.

I asked Dave if he would switch running days with me. This way I have more activity points to burn on Saturday nights and on the nights that we usually eat a little heavier meals. I think this will work out good.

I weighed myself this morning and was pleasantly surprised at the weight given how poorly I ate while in Memphis. I also recognize that I had not had more than 1 glass of water each day that I was there - if that - including yesterday while I was home, so there may be some water retention going on. I'm not going to stress about it. If there was water retention then it will show up as a larger loss next week when I weigh in.

I need to get serious about drinking water over the weekend. I don't know what my problem is!

I also want to get serious about choosing healthy foods all the time not just when I'm dieting. I don't want to feel like I deserve to splurge on the worst item on the menu just because I'm out of my routine, at a friend's house, special ocassion, etc. I want to choose healthy all the time.

I did 100 squats the first night I was at Kim's house and thought about it each day that I was there, but just never felt like it. I did 300 this afternoon during my workout. I realized this morning that I should be at a minimum of 2200 today to be on target with my goal of doing 100/day. So I'm going to work hard to make that up this week and be at 2800 when I wake up on Monday morning. That means I have to do 1200 between now & Sunday night - thats only 200/day. I can do it!