Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Beginning Date: January 7, 2008
Ending Date: March 30, 2008
Total miles: 13.87 miles
Total squats: 2000
Weight: 132.6 (Monday)
Goal: 115
Workout: Back/Biceps/Body Weight - pull

Lat pull down: 3x12 @ #5
Reverse Cybex Row: 3x12 @ #5
Lying DB Hammer Curls: 3x10 @ 14lbs
21's: 3 sets @ 16lbs
Push ups - feet elevated: 12, 10, 8
Tricep Dips: 3x10
Squats: 200
38:00 = 2AP

Workout was good this morning. I don't feel it to the extent that I did while doing BFFM, but it is still a good workout - especially when I add sets of 20 squats in between every set. The squats turn it into a mild cardio workout, too - Added value!

My legs are hating me for all of these squats. By the end of the night last night, I didn't really want to walk. I wasn't in pain - DOMS - but my legs were very tired. Then I got up and did 200 more this morning. I think I will be happy to have a squat break until tomorrow evening. I'm excited to see a total of 2000 now, though. I'm definitely going to catch up by Monday - then I'll only be obligated to do 100/day and any extra are bonus.

Eating has been good this week. I struggle with eating on time and I've skipped my meal #4 most days and add the points into M5 (dinner). Not sure if thats going to work well. I find that naturally I eat breakfast and then wait until after Nora gets on the bus to have my next meal - around 12:30/1:00. M2 is scheduled for 11:00/11:30. By eating it later it pushes every other meal later and by the time I get to M4's time, I might as well skip it and wait an hour and have the points for dinner. It is the natural way I function, however, I'm wondering about the idea of eating every 2-3 hours and the increase in metabolism - does it really make a big difference?