Monday, October 15, 2007


Challenge 3 - BFFM
Beginning Date: October 15, 2007
Ending Date: January 6, 2008

Workout: treadmill
3 miles: 36:16
total distance: 4.023
total time: 50:00
speeds: 3.7 / 5.2

Running felt good this morning. My sinuses were shot when I woke up so I spent some time trying to clear them before heading downstairs (blew my nose, did the netti pot). I didn't even notice while I was running, so that was a good thing.

I RAN A WHOLE MILE WITHOUT STOPPING!! First time I've done that in a loooong time. I think I probably could have - and should have - gone longer. After I stop once I struggle to get back into a rhythem and run for any significant amount of time without stopping for a water break.

I will lift weights this afternoon - Quads & Hams - and come back to post weights and reps.

I'm really looking forward to this challenge.


Weights - Quads / Hams

Step Ups - 3x12 @ 44lbs
One Leg Extensions - 3x12 @30lbs
Walking Lunges - 3x12 @ 44lbs
Deadlifts - 3x12 @ 35lbs
Lying hamstring curls - 12, 9, 9 @45lbs

Obviously I need to increase the weights on 4/5 of the exercises. With the deadlifts I need to make sure my weight is on my toes, not on my heels. Thinking I should think about doing leg extensions first - tire out my quads before doing the compoud exercises.