Friday, October 19, 2007


Challenge 3
Beginning Date: October 15, 2007
Ending Date: January 6, 2008

Workout: Treadmill
3 miles: 35:45
total distance: 4.10
time: 50:00

I took 3 seconds off of my 3 mile time, which makes it a personal best. But my better personal best for today is that I ran 20:00 (1 3/4 miles) straight without a break!!!! That rocked. And again - I could have gone further, but I reached my goal and I really, really wanted a drink of water AND my cd player was being a pain in the ass and kept skipping and repeating the same thing. Once I got my drink, my cd player played well and the rest of the run was good. After the initial break I ran some longer stretches than I normally do - I made myself run 5 minutes before stopping again and gave myself goals for those stretches, too. It was a great run. I don't feel like my breathing is out of control or my heart is racing (although it is still at 190 when I check). And I feel really good now. I'm so happy I'm doing this - I finally enjoy running!

I am listening to a book on CD while I run and it is wonderful. I knew that this would be the way for me to get lost while I ran. I used to watch the news, but in the morning the news just repeats the same stories over and over for 2 hours, so it was pretty boring. I tried using the ipod, but I just don't get into music the way other people do. But BOOKS! Yea! This is awesome! The only issue I'm going to have is selection, but that just means that I'll listen to some books that I wouldn't normally read, so even that isn't a problem!

I'm really enjoying this challenge so far. I love my meals. I eat often enough and feel satisfied. I still miss that small meal right before I go to bed, but I have my TJ tea, which at least keeps my hands and mouth occupied and it is sweet so I feel like I'm having a treat. I'm looking forward to carb cycling, but I want to do it right so I need to master the basics first, then do enough reading and questioning and sit down time to actually figure it out properly. I know I'm going to see some kick ass results in this challenge, I just can't wait to get there!