Saturday, October 20, 2007


Challenge 3
Beginning Date: October 15, 2007
Ending Date: January 6, 2007

Workout: Shoulders/Abs

Upright Rows: 3x12 @35lbs - increase to 38
BB Military Press: 3x12 @ 30lbs - increase to 35
Front Raise - 3x12 @ 8lbs/arm - increase to 10
Ball crunches - 3x8
Crunches - 3x25
Leg lifts - 3x15

I hate doing ab work. And what makes it worse is that I have my second day of serious DOMS in my abs from one of my workouts this week - perhaps chest/back. They hurt so badly I almost feel a little nauteous at times.

I chose to skip cardio today since we didn't wake up until 6am. My workout this morning was slow - must be the difference between doing it first thing in the morinng when I'm still sleepy vs. doing it in the afternoon after I've been up and at it for a while and have eaten 2 meals already. Shoulders were tough, but not tough enough. And abs just suck period.

I'm painting Dave's office this weekend, so I'm sure my shoulders and back with get lots and lots of work over the next 2 days.

I'm doing good with eating. This morning I added a little cheese to my eggs and I will have a free meal tonight after church (a big Corner Bakery salad). Tomorrow I will have pancakes with the family and then eat clean the rest of the day... I'm going to have to think about this. Maybe I want to have protein pancakes while they're eating pancakes and then have a different free meal later in the day. Hmmmm... But I have to weigh myself on Monday morning, so maybe pancakes in the morning would be best.