Monday, October 29, 2007


Challenge 3
Beginning Date: October 15, 2007
Ending Date: January 6, 2008

Workout: treadmill
3 miles: 35:28
distance: 4.122
time: 50:00

Had a good day off from working out and 2 good free meals over the weekend. Saturday night we went to Carson's for ribs with my family. I had salad, 1/2 slab ribs, 3/4 of a boneless porkchop and some dessert and I didn't feel like I overate. Perhaps because I laid off of the bread before dinner came. I had one small slice of bread with some butter - everyone else was eating a ton of bread and felt horrible after dinner. I felt fine - in fact, I felt like I could have eaten again when we got home.

Yesterday I didn't get all of my meals in or eat at the proper times due to what was going on during the day, but I still ate very clean. We went to the Berg's for small group social/dinner and I had a free meal there - one hamburger, some salad, potato salad and a slice of my pumpkin spice cake with maple frosting and a rice krispie treat. Again I didn't feel overful and was just satisfied. I don't feel at all guilty about anything that I ate. I also had a bowl of cinnamon toast crunch before bed and it was yummy:)

Weighed myself this morning: 132.2. Thats a 1.6lb loss this week. I also took my BF measurement, but I have to redo it - I have a hard time believing that I lost almost 2 full points in one week, so I'm going to check again before I get in the shower.

I feel like I finally found a way to make this a lifestyle and not overdo it on the weekends. Two free meals vs. a whole free day really is much better for me - mentally as much or moreso than just calorically. I'm going to start looking at carb cycling this week - trying to gear up and plan for it. I won't start carb cycling until after week 4 - so two weeks from now, but I want to have a good plan in place with good menu ideas and grocery lists.

This afternoon I will be lifting quads/hams - ugh!