Monday, October 22, 2007


Challenge 3
Beginning Date: October 15, 2007
Ending Date: January 6, 2008

Workout: Treadmill
3 miles: 35:36
total distance: 4.109
total time: 50:00

I ran 26 minutes straight, which is a little over 2 miles. It was almost torturous:) I have been having sinus problems for the last week and spend as much as 20 minutes before running just trying to clear them. Today I didn't do that great of a job because they were dry and I wanted a drink so badly - making the run torturous. I wanted to cave in around 10 minutes, but knew I had done 20 minutes last week so I flipped the switch and kept going. I had to keep flipping that switch for the last 8-10 minutes almost every minute. I did it!

I also took 9 seconds off of my previous 3 mile time by increasing my speed during my warm up 1/4 mile and increasing my running speed for the last 1/4 mile. I have to take 2:36 off of my 3 mile time to hit my goal by January 6 - I definitely think that is do-able.

I ate clean over the weekend with the exception of two free meals. We had pizza and Corner Bakery salads on Saturday after church and I helped Dave eat a molten lava cake (which needed some ice cream). Sunday morning we had pancakes and a donut. I'm proud of how well I ate over the weekend especially considering I was painting Dave's office all weekend and had to bring meals with me. I can definitely do this every weekend.

Weight check and BF% measurement:
Weight: 133.6 - same as last week/beginning weight
BF%: 22.92% - almost a whole 1% less than beginning

This afternoon I will be lifting quads & hams - I intentionally put them on Monday to get them out of the way:)


Quads -
one leg extension: 3x12 @30lbs
DB step ups: 3x12/leg @ 25lbs (each hand)
DB walking lunges: 3x12/leg @ 25lbs (each hand)
deadlifts: 3x12 @ 45lbs
hamstring curls: 45lbs - 12/12/9