Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Goal: 115 by October 10

Workout: Running - 30:00
Weight: 126.8

Already back down to 126.8. Happy about that.

Running was much better this morning. The humidity is either gone or a lot lower and made for much easier running. I kept telling myself that the longer I run in the first part (before I walk) the less I have to run in the second part. Seemed to help keep me going and I ran further than I have in the past.

I am still sweating. I hate that - I think it is warmer and more humid in my house than outside, but I don't want to open everything up until all of the girls are awake - all of their windows are closed and I don't want them to swelter with closed windows.

I'm so glad that running was easier. Something like Monday tends to give me a mental block and I really had to work through it this morning - had to convince myself over and over that Monday was due to the weather and not due to me sucking and needing to stop. Dave ran yesterday and had to stop several times to walk, too.

I just really want to be a better runner. I don't want to labor through the whole thing. I feel like I'm sucking wind the entire time and working so hard and am going so slow. I know I'll get better if I keep trying.