Monday, July 21, 2008

Goal: 115 by October 10

Workout: Running/Walking - 32:00
Weight: 131

Ran outside this morning. It is extremely humid - take a step outside and you can feel the air hanging on top of you. It is awful. I debated about running inside, but decided that I was being a wimp and needed to suck it up and go outside. Ugh. It was terrible. My lungs were burning and my legs were initially very achy and tired. After running for 5 minutes I had semi decided to just walk the rest of the way and screw the run. Then while I was walking I decided to walk a song and run a song - so I alternated it that way for the rest of the time. It was very yucky.

I did good over the weekend in terms of points and water. I think I drank almost all of my water, which is definitely an improvement. I didn't go overboard with the food, but I had to estimate much of my dinners. I think I did okay.

Last night we had some pretty high sodium stuff - subway and some wings from hooters (I only had 3), so I'm sure thats why my weight is so high this morning.