Monday, July 7, 2008

Goal: 115 by October 10

Workout: running
Weight: 129.8

catch up from previous post...

I got down to 126 by the time we left for the regional on the 25th (or whenever it was). I felt really good and was pretty excited - I was at 126 for a few days before leaving. I ate really well at the regional. I chose the healthy stuff on the buffets and loaded up on salad and fruit. I really, really loaded up on fruit to fill up so I didn't want any of the other stuff. I didn't deprive myself and allowed for a taste of this and that, but mainly ate strawberries and pineapple and raspberries.

When I got back I was at 129.8. It was fine - I had had a few beers the night before and really did not drink a whole lot of water for the 4 days that we were gone. I was pretty dehydrated by the time we got back. By July 4th I was back at 126.8 without counting points at all (I figured I would start again after the weekend). I did pretty well over this weekend, but again feel incredibly dehydrated so I'm not worried about being back at 129.8 this morning. I am going to buckle down with the points, though.

As for working out since the previous post...
I ran in Indy and fell in love with it. Running in the city is so much fun. I love it! I can't say I've been so in love with running since we got back, but I have been doing it. I ran two days last week - not a lot, but better than none. I also walked all over Chicago on the 3rd when we went to the fireworks. All in all I'm happy with my diet & exercise over the last 2 crazy 1/2 weeks.


Today I ran outside. I'm pretty much digging the outside running now. I feel so good afterward. So much better than if I walk. So I continue on. I have been running 3 miles in 36 minutes... there is walking in there so I'm not truly running 12:00 miles. I would say I'm probably running at a 5.0/5.2 pace if I had to guess, which is what I was running on the treadmill.

Today sucked, though. It was pretty humid out there and I just sucked. I didn't make it as long as I normally do before stopping and I ended up walking quite a bit because I just couldn't handle it. Legs were tired, lungs were tired, I was sweating and burning up. When I came home I felt like I was on fire from the heat being emitted from my body. I still love the way I feel afterward, though.

New workout schedule:
M - run
T - weights
W - run
Th - run
F - weights
S - run