Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Goal: 115 by October 10

Workout: Weights
Weight: 128.6

Butterfly: 3x12 @ #5
Reverse Cybex Row: 3x12 @ #7
Shoulder Press: 3x13 @ #1
Tricep Press Down: 3x15 @ #4
BB Curl: 3x13 @ 22lbs
Time: 36:06

I probably should have done abs, too, but it was already 7:30 by the time I got done and 36 minutes is 2 activity points - going the extra few minutes doesn't add any more than that. So I slack and quit at 36 minutes.

I'm wondering what it is going to take to get me over this plateau of waffling between 126 & 129. I am fully aware that my weight is going to be up after the weekend, but how do I bust past 126? How do I retrain myself so that I'm not giving myself so many exceptions on the weekend? I am stellar during the week. I didn't do bad this weekend, but I'm afraid that it hasn't resulted in a loss. I'm not sure I'm willing to add time to my exercise - not more than 5-10 minutes to my run. I'm not going out there for an hour. I can't do it and I'm not sure I want to do it.

I have got to be more disciplined over the weekend and not allow Dave to talk me into things like chicken wings.