Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Goal: 115 by October 10

Workout: Running - 32:00 (I think)
Weight: 127.2

I suck at running. I truly just suck. I run slow. I stop too much to walk. I suck. Oh well. I will get better.

I think that stopping for a water break at the park is a bad idea. it causes me to stop at a critical moment - a moment when I should keep going and break through the mental barrier. Before I started stopping for water I was running far past that before I stopped to walk. Today I stopped for water and struggled to not stop every couple of minutes. Tomorrow, no water.

Last night I weighed myself because I was taking a shower at 8:20pm. I was 126.0 at 8:20pm. Made me feel good - like I'm doing well. This morning I was 127.2, which makes sense because after I weighed myself last night I ate 17 points (had oatmeal for breakfast, but no points after that due to mowing the lawn through my normal lunch time). So I think its going okay. I want to bust through 126 and see 125. I'm working on it.

Tonight is FFFSN or whatever:) I'm bringing pork chops and I need to go out and grab a watermelon, or maybe I'll make cucumber and tomato salad. Something. I need to bring something that I can eat a lot of and not be any points or very low points - I tend to snack there and I have to not do that. Pork chops = yum!