Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Goal: 115 by October 10

Workout: running - 33:00
Weight: 127.2 or .6 don't remember

Got up really early to run this morning because it has been quite humid and hot. I wanted to get out there while it was still kind of not either of those. I'm not sure if it helped. It was still pretty humid at 6am.

My throat/lungs were burning again and my lower legs were tired again. Not sure what it is - must have something to do with the humidity.

Ran the second route again with all of the hills/inclines (I mentioned all of the hills to Michelle next door and she looked at me like I was nuts - so I think she agrees with inclines... she's the runner, not me so I'll go with it. although when facing the incline while running, it sure looks like a mountain to me). I allowed myself to stop and walk for a few paces after each incline to catch my breath. I ran most of the way today,though, with those few spurts of walking.

I enjoy running - maybe not while I'm in the middle of it, although, i do kind of enjoy it then, too - I feel like I'm accomplishing something big for myself. This is a big deal for me - I've never run, ever. When we had to do the mile in junior high and high school, I walked most of the way. I never exercised. I hated running. I tried running in college, but could never get into it. I'm finally enjoying it and feeling good about it. I don't know if I'll ever run any races or do anything fantastic like run 10 miles at one time, but I enjoy what I'm doing now and I'm going to enjoy seeing my progress over time. I know it is only a matter of time before I'm running 3 miles without stopping to walk and then I'll start running those 3 miles faster and then I'll add some distance etc. etc. It may take a while, but it will happen.