Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Goal: 115 by October 10

Workout: Running - 36:00
Weight: 128

Totally retaining water - I've drunk 48oz of water in 1 1/2 hours and have not gone to the bathroom. My rings are tight and I feel a bit bloated. Really, really weird and interesting.

Ran outside after debating about running on the treadmill. Ultimately, "you're being a pansy" won out and I went outside. The air is thick - I felt like I was chewing it. But my lungs didn't burn like last week - wonder what the difference is.

I'm still enjoying it. I still dawdle in the morning before I go out, but I don't dread it at night and I really enjoy it while I'm actually doing it and feel so good afterward. I just wish, wish, wish that I was better at it. It will come - I'm already better than I was before.