Saturday, July 19, 2008

Goal: 115 by October 10

Workout: Running - treadmill
Distance: 3.00 miles
Time: 35:59
Weight: 127.4

Raining again this morning so I ran on the treadmill. My goal was to run 3 miles faster than last Saturday - and I beat it by a few seconds. Maybe I should run on the treadmill every Saturday as a way to have a little competition with myself.

I ran most of the time. I'm proud of myself and how much I've improved over the last couple of months.

Today begins the test of the weekend. I need to stay within my points and my flex points. We're not going out tonight, so it might be a little easier to do because of that. I also need to make a huge effort to drink all of my water today and tomorrow.

I would really love to be 125 by the time we go to Cheboyagan - 1 1/2 weeks. Its definitely do-able.