Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Goal: 115 by October 10

Workout: Weights
Weight: 128.4

Chest Press: 3x13 @ #5
Reverse Cybex Row: 3x13 @ #7
Shoulder Press: 3x14 @ #1
Triceps Press Down: 3x12 @ #5
BB Curls: 3x14 @ 22lbs
Squats: 200
Time: 39:39

Tough workout this morning. I increased reps or weight with every exercise and it killed me. Wow - I haven't felt that way in a long time. My arms are still a little shakey.

Have been wondering this morning if humidity plays a role in water retention. I'm pretty sick of seeing these weights on the scale. I'm not sure why I'll finally see the low weight and then the next day or two it jumps back up 2-3 pounds. Its quite humid out right now, so I'm wondering if that affects it in any way. I drank 112oz of water yesterday - you would think that water retention wouldn't be an issue, but my rings are tight, I can feel my hands are tight, I feel a bit bloated and I drank 32oz of water within an hour of going to sleep and I didn't wake up over night - all of that suggests some pretty significant water retention.

It is interesting to be able to make all of these observations. Weighing every morning and seeing the fluctuations makes me more observant of the weather, my water intake, my diet, etc. and more in tune with my body and how it is actually feeling beyond my stomach/digestive area - like my hands feeling tight.

I'm starving right now. I think what I really, really want is to get down to my goal weight so I can start maintaining - so I can figure out what I can eat in order to maintain it - like I would really like to add some strawberry yogurt cheerios to my oatmeal this morning, but I've cut them out since deciding to tighten up... I have no intentions of eating poorly after getting to my goal, but I would like to add little things like that and right now I shouldn't.