Saturday, July 12, 2008

Goal: 115 by October 10

Workout: running
Weight: 128.0
Distance: 3.0 miles
Time: 36:07

Ran on the treadmill this morning because it was pouring outside. the treadmill is 100x easier than running outside. It was kind of nice to not feel like I was sucking wind the entire time and struggling to stay running. it was smooth and not painful:)

I've decided that I'm running at a pretty slow pace outside. I ran at 5.2 and 5.3 this morning and it felt comfortable. When I listen to No Air if I run on the beat it is 5.3 - when I do that outside it feels a little too fast. So I must be running at less than 5.2 outside and I'm probably running only around 2.5 miles outside. Doesn't matter, I will get better and faster as time goes on.

Beginning to wonder if I have in fact gained a couple of pounds. I had been at 126.8 for a day or two, but have gone back up over the last two mornings. I'm sure it is a combination of 3 straight weekends of poor food opportunities (Cubs/Sox party for Dave's clients at Champs, Regional weekend & July 4th weekend), little cheats and possibly eating too much fruit. I have been adding about 1/8 c. of strawberry yogurt cheerios to my oatmeal in the morning and don't figure the points, I have eaten 3-4 abc cookies many days, I eat a bunch of frozen grapes throughout the day, and i've been eating blueberries and raspberries by the handful in the last few days. I don't generally count points for grapes, berries and watermelon since it takes a bunch of them to = 1pt, but if you add it all up, I'm sure it hasn't been a great thing in terms of losing weight.

Tonight we are going to China Town for dinner with our small group. Meaning... another weekend of poor food choices. I will eat my entire dinner with chopsticks so that will mean a lot less rice than I normally eat, but it is still bad for me food. Tomorrow I will sit down and re-evaluate everything. I need to decide if I'm going to even try to lose weight during the rest of the summer or just be happy maintaining. I need to look at the calendar and see what else is coming up and if I can hit it hard on the weeks/weekends in between special weekends and make this work or if it isn't worth the effort until school starts back up. My goal is 115 by October 10th - that's 12-14 pounds in 3 months... if I wait until school starts at the end of August I will only have 6 weeks, so I'm thinking I need to focus on trying to lose SOME during the rest of the summer. I need to sit down and really plan and think it through.