Friday, July 18, 2008

Goal: 115 by October 10

Workout: None
Weight: 127.4

I skipped my workout yesterday, too, due to needing to sleep. We got to bed quite late the night before and I just didn't have it in me to get up yesterday and run in the humidty. I thought about possibly running on the treadmill during the afternoon, but I ended up working on the computer to get the memory card reader fixed and never had a chance after that because of tball and baseball games.

This morning I just didn't feel like lifting weights. So I didn't. Maybe I'll have a chance to run on the treadmill later today... will have to wait and see.

Yesterday my weight was back down to 126.2. This morning it waffled between 126.2 & 127.4 a couple of times before settling on the latter. And I had my pajamas on, which I normally don't do. So all is good. Seeing 126.2 yesterday really gave me hope and made me happy. I'm hoping that I'm able to break the 126 mark next week and finally see 125 and make my way down to 120.