Monday, July 28, 2008

Goal: 115 by October 10

Workout: running
Weight: 127.4

Ran outside. It was nice and cool, but still humid. Needless to say, I sucked again:) Oh well, I'm still getting better.

I went to Doug's yesterday morning and put a whole bunch of new music on the ipod. It was a nice change of pace, although I was quite excited when London Bridge came on after not hearing any dance music for 25 minutes at that point.

I did really well in terms of eating over the weekend, but not with water. Saturday I stayed within all of my points. We went to Applebee's for dinner and I ordered off of the WW menu. The food was alright - not spectacular - but it was nice to have stayed within my points. Sunday we went to G&G Dykstra's for lunch. John, Deanne and their kids were there. I didn't do bad there, either. Nothing was very WW friendly, but I didn't overindulge, which is key for me. We were there for the entire afternoon and then the girls had VBS... Dave and I never really ended up eating dinner. I had a couple of crackers and cheese and 2 pieces of leftover pizza and a bowl of ice cream and called it good. I hardly drank any water, though.

I was initially kind of ticked that I saw 127.4 on the scale again this morning and then I realized that hey, its better than seeing 129.8 which is what I have been seeing on Monday mornings lately. So I'm making progress! We leave for WI on Thursday morning and I'm hoping to see 125 back on the scale by then. The last month has been quite the struggle.