Wednesday, April 11, 2007

BFL - Day 10

Beginning Date: April 2, 2007
Ending Date: June 23, 2007

Day 10 -

Doesn't 10 days seem like a long time? It does to me.

Things are still going well. I'm not hungry in between meals anymore. I don't know if that is because I have delayed my meals a bit to make up for the fact that I'm usually hungriest in the late afternoon, or if it is just a function of getting accustomed to the diet. I'm still very much enjoying the food from the cookbook, but I have to say there isn't a TON of recipes in there that I'm dying to try, so I do feel a bit limited in that regard, however, I do like having some of them for lunches and having ideas for options for midmeals. Yesterday I tried the Greek Pinwheels - but I don't like feta cheese so I used pesto monteray jack cheese instead and they are YUMMY. I also tried the Swiss Rye Krisps and they were awesome. So I'm glad to have options for my mid meals other than an apple and cheese:)

I had to prepare some midmeal stuff ahead of time for my drives coming up today and tomorrow. I will likely hit a midmeal time in the car both days, so I made sure I have something in the car to eat for that. I am very worried about the water situation - not that I'll miss it, but that I'll have to go to the bathroom so badly that I won't be able to wait until I get to my mom's. This is a problem - I will have 3 kids in the back seat and if I stop somewhere I'm going to have to bring all three into the bathroom with me. I will just forego the water for the morning - I would much rather do that than deal with 3 kids in a bathroom!

Did my arm weights this morning. They are very tired now and I feel a little bit trembly. I think I have my weights at the right point, although I feel as if I might be able to increase them soon. I'm looking forward to doing cardio with my sister - she does some kind of hip hop dance video. It should be interesting.

No posts until Sunday or Monday...

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