Monday, April 9, 2007

BFL - Day 8

Beginning Date: April 2, 2007
Ending Date: June 23, 2007

Day 8 -

UGH - Our first free day is over. And good riddance! I'm not sure that free day should be a day of eating only sugar. Granted we had brunch and I ate scrambled eggs, hash browns, bacon, eggs benedict, a spinach, mushroom, tomato, pepper and cheese omelet, some shrimp, pineapple, chocolate covered strawberries and a piece of cheesecake - so I ate some substance. HOWEVER, after we came home from brunch the only things that passed my lips were starburst jelly beans, reeses peanut butter cups, snickers, swedish fish and m&m's and a white chocolate amaretto cooie - and a slice of amish friendship bread with butter, and a twix 2 minutes before our scheduled end. No water. No FOOD, just candy. Ugh. We were so ready to be done with free day - but we still HAD to eat that twix with 2 minutes left to spare. Next week we will be on the road coming home from Detroit, so it will be a different, interesting free day. I can't even think about it. I'm just happy to be back on the plan today.

I never thought I would write any of that.

I did my leg weight lifting this morning. Cornbread and I had to switch days due to my trip to Michigan later in the week (rearranging my workouts based on what I can do where I wake up). Legs are difficult for me in the respect that I have a really hard time reaching a high point on anything. Not because I'm so incredibly strong, but because I can't necessarily lift as much with free weights as I could with a machine at the gym. If I was doing leg presses at the gym (quads) I could probably press well over 100 pounds pretty easily. But if I do squats for my quads with free weights I'm limited to how much I can get over my head and onto my shoulders. And we don't have a great way to do a second exercise for hamstrings and our calf exercises are not ideal. So while the free weights are good for the arms/upper body, I'd prefer gym machines for the lower body. But we only have what we have, so I'm trying to go slow with my reps in order to fatigue the muscles. I wouldn't say that I hit any high points today, but I'm getting closer to finding the right weight combinations.

Looking forward to eating some real food today!

Menu -
8:30am - eggs, peppers, onions, tomatos in a whole wheat tortilla, 2 cups water
11:30am - apple, 2oz cheese, 2 cups water
3:30pm - shake
4:30pm - turkey, lettuce, tomato, mustard on whole wheat bread, frozen veggies, 2 cups water
7pm- Chicken Pomodoro, 2 cups water
8:30pm - bar

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