Friday, April 20, 2007

BFL - Day 19

Beginning Date - April 2, 2007
Ending Date - June 23, 2007

Day 19 -

Okay, I have to get rid of the easter candy. Like mail it away or throw it away, but it would be such a loss... I haven't eaten a whole lot of it, but I did have a few more swedish fish yesterday afterrnoon. I have to stop giving myself permission to do that.

I have one more week until I weigh again and decide if I need to modify my portion sizes. I don't have a clue how I'm going to do it, but logically it doesn't make sense that Cornbread and I would be eating the same amount of food everyday and I wouldn't be gaining weight. Better yet, I shouldn't be eating the same amount of food as my BIL who is taller and bigger than me. I'm 5'1" and need to account for that. But I'm not looking forward to the possibility of being hungry everyday, all day. I'm wondering if there is a way that I can figure out how to keep my food consumption down to 20 weight watchers points each day AND make sure I have the necessary portions of protein and carbs at 6 meals a day. Maybe I need to go down to 5 meals a day? Maybe I should stop obssessing about it and just trust the plan - But I really want to go on the website and find a person who is my height and has been successful and find out how much she is eating to see if I should - like I need to find someone with the same experience who had good results so I can fully trust... hmmmm. will have to look into that and think about it.

Did my bike riding this morning. My legs were tiiiiirrrred while I was doing it. I rode 5.10 miles in 20 minutes. I would love to figure out a way to also do my pilates video every other day. I just don't know how I would fit it in - I'm not very eager to workout again after I've already taken a shower and gotten dressed and stuff. But I don't know if I can do it right after my bike ride. I would love to do it regularly to start toning my core, which would be really good for my back and my herniated disks. I'm going to have to try harder to figure this out since I don't want to have that back pain again.

We're going treadmill shopping this weekend. I can't help but think that I'm just being a pansy and should learn to run outside. Maybe it would be better to spend money on an ipod, some music and a stop watch - it would be less money and it would be more environmentally responsible, I think. Then we always have the bike to fall back on when its rainy or cold. It would take a lot of mind over matter for me to run outside. I'd have to really psych myself up for that. And part of the problem is I don't like to be too far away from home - its really weird, I know, but I don't - I get an uneasy, uncomfortable feeling when I've walked or run too far from home. If I have a car I don't feel that way. I don't know. We'll have to discuss it. Perhaps this is an are that I really need to make a sacrifice in due to financial reasons. We can definitely rationalize the purchase, but should we?

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