Saturday, April 28, 2007

BFL - Day 27

Beginning Date: April 2, 2007
Ending Date: April 28, 2007

Day 27 -

I'm going to start the 12 weeks over on Monday. It comes down to this: I've been eating wrong for 4 weeks. I could finish out the 12 weeks, but I think I would be discouraged when I didn't start seeing changes after 8 weeks like I'm seeing on these websites (seems that most women notice significant changes after 8 weeks). I would know in my head that I hadn't eaten right for 4 weeks, but I would still be discouraged. I want to start fresh. Not go totally over board with my free days - I think I got that out of my system... the absolute obligatory gorging that I did the first two of them. I have got a decent handle on how I SHOULD be eating and I think I've figured out how I SHOULD be working out. So I'm going to start fresh on Monday with Day 1, I'll even be brave and take my photos, but am not sure if I'll be brave enough to post them here... perhaps if I do it will hold me more accountable to sticking with it even as I'm forcing myself to eat tuna:) I WILL like tuna, darnit - I WILL.

I'm going to ask Cornbread what he wants to do. I went over my new eating menu with him and he was seriously disappointed that he shouldn't be eating cheese. I told him to do what he wants/needs to - I'm not going to monitor his diet, I struggle enough with my own. He said since he is not doing this to lose weight, he'll probably keep the string cheese and the little bit of parmesan that he puts on his eggs. I want to find out if he is going to continue on with this 12 weeks or restart with me on Monday. I just thought it might be easier if we restart together, but maybe he doesn't want to. He usually doesn't care about that kind of stuff... we'll see.

I really want to take before photos though - at least for ourselves so we can see a difference. I think it would help him, too, to see his chest filling out and his shoulders getting broader.

I did my LBWO this morning. I upped my weights everywhere and I'm getting a bit discouraged with our weight bench situation. I cannot max myself out on quads and calves. I did quad lifts on my 6 reps with 60lbs. I can't fit anymore weight on the bar. So I can't go higher than 60lbs. Then I did squats with 65 lbs - that is pushing the limit a bit with what I can comfortably get on my shoulders - I have to bend over to get it over my shoulders and I'm worried about injuring my back... I can squat more weight, but I don't want to hurt my back in the process. I'm also going to have to change my calf exercises. I'm going to have to go back to doing the one leg calf raises on the step as my main exercise - I stopped because it takes twice as long to do them that way (doing one leg at a time), but I think that is the only way I'm going to be able to max myself out there... And I have no idea what the second exercise should be. I'll have to try angled calf raises for the second exercise. I can do well with the hamstrings, but I should probably increase my weights there as well. We saw a great weight bench at Sports Authority last weekend that would help with all of these isses, but we'd need to buy a whole new set of weights (ours wouldn't fit - ours are standard, this one is olympic - the middle holes are different sizes). We had decided, though, that we would wait until after Christmas to get a new one - that way we can ask for gift cards to whereever we find the best one. I'm going to go on and see if anyone wants to get rid of anything...

I put my measurements into and found out that I have 33%+ body fat. Thats nice. Good. It will be a good measurement tracker, though.

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