Monday, June 4, 2007

Day 36

Beginning Date: April 30, 2007
Ending Date: July 20, 2007

Day 36 -

Workout: HIIT - 5.24 miles in 20:00

Just got done working out... I'm sweating like mad and my legs and bum are burning. Good signs of a good workout:) My distance was good, I was on top of my rpms (70, 75, 80, 85... 110) and it felt good.

I weighed myself and measured on Saturday morning after my UBWO. I have lost .8 lbs in 5 weeks. I'm happy with that because my measurements show losses in inches - great losses, like I'm super impressed losses. Here are my measurements so far (the first number is the beginning number, the second number is the measurement from end of week 5, the third number is the difference.)

Weight: 135.4 134.6 -.8
Neck: 13.5 12.0 -1.5
Shoulders: 42.5 41.5 -1.0
Chest: 35.0 33.0 -2.00
Waist: 30.5 28.75 -1.75
Abdomen: 33.5 32.50 -1.00
Hips: 37.5 36.75 -.75
Thigh: 25.5 24.25 -1.25
Knee: 16.0 14.75 -1.25
Calf: 15.0 14.75 -.25
Ankle: 8.75 8.25 -.50
Arm: 12.5 12.25 -.25
Forearm: 10.5 9.75 -.75
Wrist: 6.0 6.00 00
Body Fat % 33.27 31.14 -2.13

I'm really impressed by these numbers. I'm sure that some of it is due to measurer error, however, I don't think that measurer error can be that far off in some of them - he couldn't be 1.75 inches off, so there was definitely a loss there.

We took our week 5 photos and I see slight differences - very slight, but they are there. I posted them on the tracker website and mentioned it to the team that I joined and they said they could see differences. I'm very happy so far. I think this is what I needed to get that boost to go on positively:) I was having a slight freak out for a while there...

Regardless of the changes in size and weight, I am beyond happy with the difference in eating. We are eating healthier than ever before. We have good guidelines for what are good choices in eating and we are both having better, more balanced meals throughout the day. I feel good about our decision to do this and I feel better about doing it long term. I'm not going to get the rock hard hot body that I'd love to have in just 12 weeks - I'm not that disciplined - but I will see some changes and by my 32nd birthday I will be different person - inside and out.

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