Friday, June 8, 2007

Day 40

Beginning Date: April 30, 2007
Ending Date: July 20, 2007

Day 40 -

Workout: HIIT - 5.24miles in 20:00

Sometimes I feel like maintaining 85 rpms for one minute is like a 10 - and I have to do it 4 times with each HIIT workout. This workout does kick my butts most mornings and I'm so glad its only 20 minutes! I got up to 100 rpms for my 10 minute, but maintained closer to 108 for most of the minute.

My arm still hurts, although I "met" a physical therapist on the tracker site and she gave me some physical therapy ideas to treat it. Stretching, ice, advil or aleve, massage, and no over-gripping. It did seem better last night, although I forgot to ice it. I will have to do better at including all of these things throughout the day. I want it to get better and I don't want to further aggravate it. She also said to back down on the weights and to be careful with what exercises I'm doing. I did stop some exercises yesterday due to pain. I emailed her my list of UB exercises and she gave me some good alternatives. How nice is that? I thought it was awesome! I am really enjoying that website.

One more day of working out and then my body gets to rest. I can feel that I need it pretty badly. My whole body feels incredibly tired by dinner time - not me, not my brain - my body is physically tired and needs a break. I think that is a good sign:)

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