Saturday, June 9, 2007

Day 41 Part Two

I found a person on the tracker site that is the same height and build as Cornbread and showed him his before photos and his progress. He can't imagine being that muscular because he never has been. I told him that he could be, but he has to get more serious about the program. He does well - he hits his workouts hard, but he cheats a little bit every day i would guess and he has no issues with having a beer a few times a week while he grills. I think that kind of stuff hinders his progress and he isn't seeing as big of a change as he could... although he weighs less than he has in a long time, he isn't seeing himself lean out as much as he could.

We are halfway done with this challenge. We decided to commit to being very strict with our diets for the next two weeks and to take our photos at the end of week 8 to see if there is a dramatic change. In my opinion - if we see results it will spur us on to continue being strict for the rest of the challenge. I NEED him to be more strict about it - I feel a lack of support in some respect and I need him to kick it into gear. I'm glad he is willing to hit it hard for the next two weeks and to buckle down at least for that. I know he can be like that guy we saw - he just needs to be more committed. We both do.

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