Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Day 44

Beginning Date: April 30, 2007
Ending Date: July 20, 2007

Day 44 -
Workout: UBWO

Good workout today, although I only hit a 10 on chest - couldn't even get the bar up for rep 12 and had to call cornbread to come down and do it for me. That sucked, but I knew it was a 10. I can't find a second exercise for my shoulders that doesn't hurt my elbow, so there was no 10 there. Used a different exercise for my second back and am still figuring out weights so no 10 for back. Triceps were questionable - probably more like a 9+. And for biceps I'm still finding the right weight for my second exercise - no 10 for that, but I feel like I hit a 10 for my last set of reps of the first exercise. Must push harder on Saturday and look for new shoulder exercise by then.

I entered my daily menu into fitday.com and figured out that I've been eating right around 1350 calories per day. I don't think thats horrible, but I should probably be closer to 1200. So after posting my menu on the tracker site and getting some suggestions, I'm going to tweak things a bit. Today I'm going to try a 5 egg white omelet instead of having 3 whites & 1 yolk. I'm going to really miss that yolk... I'm going to trade my wasa crackers for 1/2 of a ww pita, use Pam instead of olive oil to sautee my morning veggies, have brocolli instead of carrots at lunch, add a salad to dinner and try some protein pudding at night instead of a bar. I don't know about all of this - part of me wonders if I would rather just have slower progress and enjoy myself a little bit (like have my yolk:) I will have to try it for a day and see how I like it before I decide - I should probably try it for more than one day, actually. We'll see.

I'm also going to have to watch my free day a little closer - I have to get that under control so that everything that I work for during the week isn't lost in one day.

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