Friday, June 29, 2007

Day 61

Beginning Date: April 30, 2007
Ending Date: July 20, 2007

Day 61 -

Workout: HIIT - 5.34miles in 20:00

Oh my - my legs were hurting this morning before I even got going. Its rough doing HIIT on the bike the day after a lbwo. I couldn't muster up enough energy and strength to do my 10 minute any higher than 110 rpms. Thats good, but I've done better. Doesn't matter - it is whatever is a 10 for me today at that specific time. And the day after a lbwo is going to be harder than the day after an ubwo.

I need to get back on track with eating clean. I've been so hungry for the last couple of days. Yesterday I just gave in and had some cereal for a snack in between M3 & M4 - it was dry cereal, but still I was snacking on a carb and some sugar (it was Trader Joe's vanilla frosted shredded wheat). I now know that I cannot bring that out on Michelle's deck with me - I brought it out for a snack for the kids, but I ended up chompin away at it:( I need to get back on track and hit it hard for the next three weeks. I want to see some significant changes and it all has to do with me and how much I'm committed to it - it won't happen on its own (unfortunately).

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