Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Day 59

Beginning Date: April 30, 2007
Ending Date: July 20, 2007

Day 59

Workout: HIIT - 5.35 miles in 20:00

Woke up late but got my hiit in this morning - its so nice that its only 20 minutes as opposed to 30 or 45. My legs and bum were burning at the end and I worked up a really good sweat. I could hardly walk up the stairs when I was done.

Another day in my quest to maintain clean eating. I'm struggling with coming off of vacation. We did really, really well while out there, but I'm struggling with being back in general - with getting back to my daily routine and the stuff that needs to be done around the house. I want to just sit and read my book all day (except that I haven't gotten into a new one yet, so it isn't as tempting). I did well yesterday with eating, but I made a huge portion of pumpkin pancakes and I probably ate one or two more than I should have in the name of taste testing.

I was pretty hungry for most of the afternoon and evening - even short times after I had eaten. I'm going to pay close attention to that to figure out if it is just a symptom of coming off of vacation or if I think I need to increase my portions a little bit.

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