Monday, June 18, 2007

Day 50

Beginning Date: April 30, 2007
Ending Date: July 20, 2007

Day 50 -

Workout: HIIT - 5.37miles in 20:00

I have officially done two things today: 1) I have succeeded in completing more days in this challenge than I have in the previous attempt (before I got pregnant with Ryann) and 2) I rode further on the bike than I ever have before. These are huge acomplishments and signs of progress. Great signs of progress! I am getting stronger and more fit and it shows in my distance progress.

Today we are back to eating clean and I'm looking forward to it. We had a good free day - didn't go overboard by any stretch of the imagination and that makes me happy:)

My parents came out on Saturday night so we didn't go to church. Our free day didn't really begin until later than usual because we waited until they got here for dinner. We ate around 9 - Gigantic steaks and a loaf of bread. I cut my steak to about the correct portion size and had only a couple of pieces of bread with butter. Then we had a tiny piece of TJ's cheesecake for dessert. So that was good.

Sunday morning we went to church at 9 so there was no time to have a huge meal. I had a bowl of TJ's cheerios - I MISS cereal:) We went out for breakfast afterward and I had an omelet with shrimp, asparagus and hollandaise sauce, some hashbrowns and some toast. It was very good! Then I went shopping for the afternoon and come home, set up a sprinkler for the girls and we had dinner with John and Michelle - pizza, chips and salsa and beer. We also had a piece of Nora's pudding pie for dessert (I didn't eat much of mine, I don't like chocolate, french silk pie - just the graham cracker crust). I had some graham crackers and milk when we got home, and 2-3 cookies throughout the day, but I would say that overall I kept myself under control and had a good free day - enjoyable, but not overboard. I didn't feel like garbage at the end of the day and I don't think that I totally negated all of my hard work from the previous week.

I'm looking forward to working hard again this week and seeing some progress by then end of next week. We are going to the EJ Summer Regional this weekend in Cheboyagan, WI. We are planning to workout while we're there and eat well. I have to sit down and think about what kinds of foods I can bring with us - what can we eat on the road, what can we store in our room, what can we make quickly and have as a snack. Cornbread will probably be eating a lot of bars because he'll be in meetings most of the weekend... This is going to be a challenge, but one worth fighting for.

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