Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Day 45

Beginning Date: April 30, 2007
Ending Date: July 20, 2007

Day 45 -

Workout: HIIT - 5.27miles in 20:00

I got my distance up by.03 miles! I didn't think that would be possible - I've felt like I'm pushing it as hard as I can, but apparently I can push harder:) Actually I pushed a little harder during my down minutes and ended up being a little more tired during my 10 minute (107rpms instead of 108-112). I also messed up my timing and did my 10 minute during minute 17 instead of 18 so I had 2 minutes of recovery before I was done instead of 1 - I pushed myself to maintain 75-80 on those two minutes whereas before I could barely hit 65 during the first 30 seconds of recovery and 70-75 during the last 30 seconds. Maybe that made a difference.

I did not go for the 5 egg white omelet idea. I was going to - I was all ready to do it and then I realized that I would be going through at least 3 dozen eggs for myself every week. I don't want to deal with the expense of that and the room that it would take in my fridge. I also can't go too extreme and strip everything of enjoyment or I will end up bailing. If 1 yolk a day means I make a little slower progress, then I'm going to have to be okay with that for now. At least for this 12 weeks I'm going to be okay with it. Maybe if I see some major changes by the end of the 12 weeks and I want to be even more serious about it, I will consider cutting out the yolks.

I also changed my handfull of baby carrots to 1/3 of a cucumber (sliced). I was told that carrots and corn have the most sugar and I need to be eating green veggies. So I opted for cucumbers and brocolli. The brocolli has the added bonus that the girls were even willing to eat it - who would have thought? I never would have. They're going to get sick of it because we're going to have it with every dinner from now on:) And I tried the protein pudding that was suggested to replace the bar at the end of the night. It was okay, but it made quite a lot and I got a little sick of it. It could be because I made the cheesecake flavor and I think that would get a little sickening even for regular pudding. I will try other flavors, though, because its better for me than having a bar.

3/4c. cottage cheese
2 tbsp SF FF pudding
1/2c. water

blend in a blender and eat.

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