Saturday, September 22, 2007

STC - C2W10D69

Summer Tracker Challenge
Beginning Date: July 16, 2007
Ending Date: October 7, 2007

Workout: Legs/Back/Bis

Bulgarian Split Squats: 3x10 @ 60lbs
Hamstring Curls: 3x12 @ 42lbs
Bentover Row (bbell): 3x12 @ 60lbs
Lat Pull up: 3x11
Seated Concentration Curls (bbell): 3x12 @ 35lbs
Standing BB Curl: 3x9 @ 25lbs

I'm definitely losing muscle or am not eating enough to support my weight lifting because I failed a lot of my sets. Legs were okay, but I had a hard time completing all of the rest of the exercises as planned.

Weighed in: 132.6, which means I gained a pound since last Saturday. I do not know what the heck will work for me. I think I need to just get through the end of this challenge and over the weekend in South Haven I need to decide what I want to do:
1) Go back to BFFM - increase my calories and my weight lifting. Keep cardio as is. Throw away the scale, take pictures only on W1 and W12. Weigh only on W1 and W12.
2) Go back to Weight Watchers - continue at 20 points a day, but drastically cut down on my workouts. Either do strictly cardio - 30 minutes every day and that is it or go back to cardio 3 days, weights 3 days.

I need to decide what is most important to me - losing scale weight or toning up and gaining muscle. And then I need to be set on that, not obsessed with any of it and just work it. Work more on being happy with my body as it is, not focused on what I want my scale weight to be. Then go from there. I thought that I could do WW, lose some weight and then work on building definition, but obviously thats not happening either. This has been the absolute most frustrating experience... I've lost weight twice on WW, but I wasn't working out this much. So I need to determine what I want to do.

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