Tuesday, September 25, 2007

STC - C2W11D72

Summer Tracker Challenge
Beginning Date: July 16, 2007
Ending Date: October 7, 2007

Workout: HIIT + 15:00 walking at 5% incline
2 miles: 24:23
total distance: 2.690
total time: 35:00
speeds: 3.8, 5.2, 5.7, 6.3, 8.0 (5% incline) - walked 15:00 at 3.9

Running was good today. Not as good as yesterday, but decent. Its supposed to be tougher on HIIT days and it was. I'm hoping, though, that continuing to do HIIT will help me get to a point where I can increase my speed on my steady state running workouts. I'm not going to push it now because I'm actually kind of enjoying it, but hopefully at some point I'll be able to increase those running speeds. I should probably try to push the speeds on HIIT, too. Maybe next week:)

Eating has not been incredibly clean, but I have been staying within my points for WW. I think I'm going to take a bit of a break from the ultra clean eating for the next two weeks - I know that the last two weeks of the challenge is the time where I should be hammering down with the extra clean eating, but I need a break. I'm not going to stop eating BFL, but I'm not going to be as strict for the next two weeks - like if I have some extra carbs, I'm not going to get upset. After our weekend in South Haven, though, I'm going to get it going again.

I'm going to take some time in SH to figure out what exactly I want to do for my next 12 week challenge. I know I want to only take pictures every 6 weeks. I want to change my weight exercises every 6 weeks. And maybe only weigh in every 6 weeks. I have to decide if I want to stick with Weight Watchers and eat super clean 21 points per day or if I want to go back to BFFM and increase my calories in order to build more muscle. I'm leaning toward weight watchers...

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