Tuesday, September 4, 2007

STC - C2W8D51

Summer Tracker Challenge
Beginning Date: July 16, 2007
Ending Date: October 7, 2007

Workout: Steady State run - couch to 5k training plan: 90 sec run/2 minutes walk. 2 miles in 26:58; total workout time: 35:00

I had a major meltdown on Saturday morning after weighing and taking pictures. I have been working my bum off for the last 3 weeks and have been eating totally clean for the last 8 weeks and absolutely no changes. None. No changes in the pictures. My weight fluctuates between 131 & 133 every week. I can't handle this anymore. I don't know why I can't figure this out - why I can't make this work. I have GOT to be doing something slightly wrong that is messing everything up.

I don't want it to be about the scale, but ultimately, right now I need to see some change in order to not be so discouraged and upset. I could have dealt with no scale change if I saw changes in my photos, but there were none - and I lost it. Cried and cried and cried.

So I've gone back to weight watchers - joined last night. I will be incorporating both weight watchers and BFL together. I figured out an extremely clean daily menu that will end up being 18-21 points. My target daily point total is 21, so this should be okay. Basically I brought my portion sizes down and am staying within my points.

I feel like such a loser - like I'm a quitter, like I can't handle it mentally. But its been 24 weeks since we started BFL - thats just about 6 months. My weight has gone down by 2-4 pounds total in that amount of time. I'm not silly enough to think that 12 weeks is long enough to make the kind of transformation I wanted to make, but I should have been able to lose more than 4 pounds.

So I'm going to try it this way. 21 clean points per day max. 30:00 of running minimum. 3 days a week of lifting minimum. Counting my points on the weekend, too.

I want to get down to 115... if I lose 2 pounds a week, that would be 10 weeks - November 10th. So by Thanksgiving, I hope to be at 115.

I weighed myself today: 137.2 (I'm certain thats inflated because of water retention, but I don't care). Here we go.

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