Thursday, September 27, 2007

STC - C2W11D74

Summer Tracker Challenge
Beginning Date: July 16, 2007
Ending Date: October 7, 2007

Workout: HIIT - 30:00!
2 miles: 23:24
total distance: 3.001
Total time: 35:10
speeds: 3.8, 5.2, 5.7, 6.3, 8.0 (5%), 4.0

I definitely hit it hard this morning. I decided to increase the HIIT time to 30:00 so I could hit it harder - I feel 20 is just not quite enough. And the difference was amazing. After my minute at 8mph 5% incline I thought I was going to die. I wanted to lie down on the floor and just heave. Perhaps I haven't been doing HIIT correctly this entire time - I've been doing it hard and I've felt incredibly spent, but this was a bit different. I still don't agree with people who say that you shouldn't be able to do anything else afterward... In my opinion, HIIT ends with 2 minutes of 5 exertion - by the end of those 2 minutes, I could definitely continue walking for 15:00 like I have in the past. It wasn't any different today. I was more tired and spent after the HIIT, but after the last 2 minutes, I could have walked more.

Did weights yesterday and I'm losing reps on several of the exercises. I've actually decreased my weights for the next time. I'm pretty disappointed by that. Its gotta be the decrease in calories. But I need to decide what I want - do I want to lose scale weight and then work on toning or do I want to build muscle and hope that eventually the fat will burn off, too. I think I'm leaning toward the first - I really need to see some changes to keep my motivation going. I'm okay with what I'm doing right now. And I believe I have to find the way that I'm going to be able to do this for life - not just hit it hard core for 12 weeks at a time. And I could run 5 days a week and lift 3-4 days a week and eat this way for life - I'm not sure I could keep up the obsessive high calorie stuff... I'll probably hit it hard like that for my next challenge, but I'm not sure I could maintain that eating for life.

What I do know for my next challenge:
Pictures, Measurements and Weight every 6 weeks - ONLY. Day 1. End of Week 6 & End of Week 12. No exceptions.

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